
Inspiring To Learn is the home of Homeschooling On A Dime!

You are invited to search away for your entire homeschool needs list right here. There are hundreds of textbooks, worksheets, crafts, printables, databases, games, ideas, methods, unit studies, lapbooks, literature, ebooks and plenty more. Every subject, even Bible.

Nothing out there on the net can compare to this wonderful resource and it's right here. I've spent years and years and untold hours compiling this site.

Leave me a comment so I know you stopped by! I get a lot of traffic here 24 hours a day from all over the world! It's nice to hear a note from those who drop in for a freebie!

Make sure you bookmark Inspiring To Learn and sign up for the emails.

A To Z HomesCool - huge website


This one should be in everyone's favorites list. Anne Zeise has compiled an unbelievable amount of articles, printables, helps and more. She even runs a curriculum sway elist that is connected to the site- and there are strict rules for that elist on the types of materials that can be posted. You could spend all day browsing the material she has on there!

Anyway, I really appreciate her dedication and it is all volunteer!

Thanks, Anne! The homeschool community owes you a big debt! We love you!

A To Z Home's Cool



Owl & Mouse


Owl & Mouse

They have free educational software such as geography puzzles at this site.

I love this one!


Free Math Curriculum


CSMP Materials for Primary Grades

CSMP Materials for the Intermediate Grades


Storybooks and Story Workbooks necessary to teach grades K-6.

Free preK and Kindergarten curriculum - Letter Of The Week


This is a fabulous free curriculum for your younger students.

It is often mentioned on the Five In A Row message boards. If your child is ready to "do school" then this may be a good starting point!

There are great ideas for learning about the alphabet and our world!

Free godly homeschool curriculum!

Another fabulous place to get free curriculum that honors the Lord!


FREE On-Line Textbooks and Teacher’s Manuals by Subject.

FREE On-Line Textbooks and Teacher’s ...

FREE Advice on use of the Puritans’ Home School Curriculum

Fun educational websites


Fun Brain

How Stuff Works

Math Games

US map game




Free godly homeschool resources


This is a blog I found that has the same focus that I have here for you all.

In her own words she says, "This blog is all about Free Homeschooling, without myths and mythology like you may find at other free homeschooling sites. Christian Moms who cannot afford the pricier curriculums, can find resources here that are GOD honoring and child friendly ."

I LOVE that it is without myths and mythology.


Be sure to check out this link she has:





Algebra, Geometry, Probability/Statistics


Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
Basic Algebra course; interactive with online video. Originally designed for teacher training.  NOTE: Needs DSL broadband connection


Basic geometry course; interactive with online video. Originally designed for teacher training.  


Geometry of Art & Architecture
This companion site to a Dartmouth College course provides an approach to geometry that may be particularly appealing to arts-oriented students.
Supplement this course with Euclid’s Elements.


Elementary Statistics
A basic elementary statistics course complete with 12 thirty-minute
video lectures,  assignments, quizzes, online calculator, and exams with answer keys. A complete statistics course.


Against All Odds: Introductory Statistics
This online video course includes 26 half-hour video modules and introduces the basic principles of statistics.
NOTES: Requires DSL broadband connection. Optional textbooks to accompany this course may be purchased.

Supplemental Resource: AP Statistics Course Description and Syllabi  You must register (it’s free) first, then you may download any AP Course Description and sample syllabi


High school writing course



British Poetry of World War 1

A series of free online seminars exploring the poetry of World War I. In addition to traditional literary analysis, teaches students to evaluate original manuscripts (provided in digital format). For advanced students.




Writing curriculum


Paradigm Online Writing Assistant

This online course provides instruction and practice in the development of basic writing composition skills necessary for college-bound students. Each explanatory section comes complete with assignments.

Also included is instruction in how to write four different types of essays:





This course could be used as a stand-alone course in composition, or the course segments distributed over several years of high school as part of another English course.


Webster's 1828 Dictionary


Yes, you can get the coveted Webster 1828!!! You can keep your $100.

1828 Noah Webster Dictionary



Bible studies - ABC I Believe


Start your homeschool day right with this fun and engaging Bible study
curriculum for preschool through third grade.

Bible Studies