Inspiring To Learn is the home of Homeschooling On A Dime!
You are invited to search away for your entire homeschool needs list right here. There are hundreds of textbooks, worksheets, crafts, printables, databases, games, ideas, methods, unit studies, lapbooks, literature, ebooks and plenty more. Every subject, even Bible.
Nothing out there on the net can compare to this wonderful resource and it's right here. I've spent years and years and untold hours compiling this site.
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This site is not particularly exciting to the eye, but it has an incredible amount of information and files!!!
There are surveys of the Old & New Testaments, geography, interactive lessons, games & quizzes, Sunday school lessons, articles, entire classes, entire ebooks, just a ton of rich good material that you don't want to miss. I am so delighted to have found it!
We will be using one of the in depth surveys for high school this year.