
Inspiring To Learn is the home of Homeschooling On A Dime!

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Nothing out there on the net can compare to this wonderful resource and it's right here. I've spent years and years and untold hours compiling this site.

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Free World U: (Pre-school – Medical School)
This site offers “flash cards” for all grades in all subjects. I prefer to call them lessons, because that’s what they are. I love that they include character building, health and wellness, and manners in their subject line-up! Homeschoolers will love this!

From their website:
"nonprofit online school offering our students a complete preschool through 12th grade curriculum. Our proven program is supported by research that shows that children can learn faster and enjoy learning more using our methods. The curriculum is taught via flashcards that break subjects down into small, easily assimilated fact units. The flashcards are presented through a program that remembers what each student has learned and what he or she needs to keep working on."


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1 2 3 4 5 6 elementary
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9 10 11 12 high school
homeschool homeschooling