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Teaching to your child's strengths

Teaching To Your Child's Strengths

by Kajsa Huckaba

You will spend a ton of money and everyone in your home will be frustrated until you learn specifically what makes your children each tick. Maximize your student's learning and time spent learning by teaching to their personality and strengths.

If you do not know what those are, spend some time in prayer regarding each one of your children. Ask the Lord to reveal these things to you and for you to have your eyes open to see them.

Keep a notebook for you of each child and make notes, revelations and relevant scriptures that will help you better understand your child's learning styles, strengths and weaknesses and character issues.

If your child really likes to hear audio CDs of history but hates to read it, write that down when you notice it. Where are the character strengths and weaknesses. You may be surprised! If your child is creative, how is she or he creative? With creating music melodies or rhythm? With planning out how a project should lay or color usage? Think outside the box and pay attention. Soon a picture will start to form of all your child's strengths and loves. In the same way, watch what your child loathes or struggles with and jot it down. This will help you to see where the weaknesses are and hopefully you will pray and ask the Lord how to strengthen those areas. He is always faithful!

Important to note, when you see a strength, be sure to share that with your child to encourage them! And if you see even a small improvement in an area of weakness, be sure to mention it and give praise to them! Record these improvements! With younger children, you may want to make some kind of award or medal that you made to give out periodically. Take their picture wearing it!


  1. That is so where I'm at right now. Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. These are some really great ideas

  3. These articles and 100's of free curriculum, textbooks, worksheets and more helpful materials for homeschool can be found all over this great website! Home of "Homeschooling On A Dime".
    ALL FREE! No catch!


